Rise to the Occasion: How Standing Desk Ergonomics Helps You Succeed

By now, we all recognise that the workforce as we know it has experienced an unprecedented shift in the past few years. While some companies still retain in-office or hybrid work schedules, around 2.5 million people are still working from home today.

Whether you’re working from home or back in the office, you know how tedious it can be sitting at a desk for hours on end. This is where the study of people at work (ergonomics) comes in handy!

In this article, we’ll explore a specific area of ergonomics: standing desk ergonomics. We’ll take a look at the benefits of a standing desk and how it can help you succeed in the workplace. First, let’s take a quick peek at the science behind why standing really is good for you.

The Science Behind Sitting

Research has shown that people who sit for extended periods of time tend to see an increase in various health concerns. Conditions like high blood pressure, poor cholesterol, and more are linked to long periods of inactivity.

This inactivity includes sitting at a desk for long hours at a time. For those who work primarily in front of the computer, not sitting might seem a tough habit to nurture. However, this is where a standing desk becomes a crucial component toward taking care of your health all while remaining productive.

The Science Behind Ergonomics

Office ergonomics aims to design a workplace that allows for maximum comfort and ultimate productivity. According to the Australian Department of Health and Aged Care, ergonomics help to prevent musculoskeletal disorders in the workplace.

This type of design helps a worker’s body stay safe and comfortable throughout an entire day of work. Part of such designs to increase comfort are things like mouse pads, keyboards, and standing desks.

So, how beneficial are standing desks?

Benefits of Standing at Work

Small, active movements throughout the day are helpful for keeping your energy up. A good standing desk helps bypass having to sit all day to get your work done. Standing desks provide an avenue to easily decrease fatigue and help increase productivity all in one fell swoop.

The benefits of having a standing desk for your workspace are numerous. Benefits to using one include:

  • Lowered blood sugar levels
  • Lowered blood pressure
  • Back pain becomes reduced
  • Mood becomes improved
  • Energy levels increase

When a person’s blood pressure evens out and their mood rises, productivity is next to follow.

Standing Up for Productivity

If you’ve ever sat at work feeling cranky or low energy, have you ever noticed how a quick walk away from your desk can shift your mood even imperceptibly?

A bad mood can affect productivity for hours on end. What a standing desk does is help interrupt that flow of negative thinking by simply allowing your body to work naturally while you do your job.

Feelings of calm or happiness generally equate to an increase in productivity across the board. Imagine trying to complete a complicated report feeling angry or fatigued. With a standing desk, your energy levels will increase and you can dive back into the job at hand with a better outlook.

Better Posture

Another benefit of working at a standing desk is the improvement in posture you’ll likely experience. Ever found yourself hunching over your keyboard while deep in the middle of typing up an assignment for your boss?

We’ve all been there and one way to assuage that natural shoulder scrunch is to use a standing desk! Posture might not be the first thing on everyone’s mind, but poor posture can put unnecessary pressure on the spine. Ultimately leading to things like back pain, joint pain, or rounded shoulders.

Give yourself a break and allow your body to settle naturally into a standing position while working. Your back and neck will thank you for it. Not to mention, with a lack of back pain plaguing you while you work, you’ll be able to focus better on your tasks at hand.

Happiness Through Ergonomics

Ensuring happiness in the workplace via ergonomics might not seem so straightforward, but feeling healthy and happy during your workday ultimately provides a positive foundation for getting your work done.

Standing desks provide numerous benefits and eliminate things like fatigue and discomfort. Whether you’re at home or in the office, showing up to work knowing you’ll feel tired within an hour or two isn’t exactly great for production.

When your body and mind feel rested and comfortable, you’re  more likely to do a job to the best of your ability. Standing desks simply bridge that gap.

Standing Desk Tips

If you’re new to standing desks, always be sure to build your standing desk to a height that won’t strain your back or neck while working. Built too high, and you run the risk of straining not only your back but things like your wrists and elbows as well.

Whatever your height, remember that you’ll want your monitor to generally land at eye level. Your keyboard should sit right at hip level with your mouse close to it. This will help keep your standing desk posture at the appropriate height.

Taking a Stand on Standing Desk Ergonomics

We hope this handy guide on standing desk ergonomics has been helpful. If you’re ready to upgrade your workspace, we’ve got you covered.

At Meergo, we make shopping for ergonomic furniture easy! We believe that form and function go hand in hand, thus making the perfect pairing for an ideal workspace setup.

Take a look at our wide range of products online to get a feel for what we offer. Once you have your eye on something, give us a call or send a message with any questions you might have. We’d love to help you pick the perfect piece for your office!